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In Kurdistan, DNO have recently completed two wells, Peshkabir-9 and Tawke-52 which are already in Production. Testing of the first Baeshiqa exploration well targeting the Cretaceous reservoir has been delayed by extensive rainfall but is also expected to commence this month.
The first half of 2019 saw gross production average 126,700 barrels of oil per day (bpd) in the Kurdistan Region’s DNO-operated Tawke and Peshkabir fields. The two fields are shared 75-20 with Genel Energy, another oil company.
“Tawke contributed 71,700 bpd and Peshkabir 55,000 bpd.”
DNO plans to start drilling 15 oil wells in total at the Kurdistan Region fields in the second half, with 12 being at Tawke. This is in addition to 15 more they had drilled earlier this year. According to DNO, Peshkabir is only second to Tawke in the Kurdistan Region as the largest oil field operated by an international company.
Total Vision are working with the Subcontractors in Erbil in the form of man power secondment, technical writing, Construction & Quality support and off course Field Engineering.